Home Tourism Performance Indicators Tourism Performance Indicators Latest Reports Quarterly Tourism Snapshot Quarterly Tourism Snapshot - Q3 2024, an ongoing monitor of the performance of Canada's tourism sector. DOWNLOAD Year-in-Review Overnight Arrivals Annual research infographic summarizing annual data on international overnight arrivals to Canada in 2024. DOWNLOAD Monthly Overnight Arrivals Monthly research infographic summarizing the latest data on international overnight arrivals to Canada in December 2024. DOWNLOAD Sign Up for Destination Canada NewsStay in the know – get the latest Destination Canada news and updates delivered straight to your inbox. Subscribe now Subscribe and get the latest Destination Canada news and updates delivered straight to your inbox. SIGN UP NOW* indicates requiredEmail Address * Full Name * Do you currently work in the tourism industry? * Yes NoWhat tourism sector do you currently work in? Government and Adjacent BodiesDestination Development and InvestmentDestination Marketing TourismBusiness Owner or ManagerCommunity Organization or AssociationProvide your tourism sector if not listed. Provide your current role or title. What type of tourism data is priority for you? Tourism Performance Tourism Indicators Traveller and Marketing Insights Tourism Outlook and Forecast Destination Development Tourism Advancement and Global Competitiveness Social License and Resident Sentiment Air Capacity and Connectivity Accommodation and Occupancy SustainabilityAre there any other topics you’d like to explore? Please enter your current location. AlbertaBritish ColumbiaManitobaNew BrunswickNewfoundland & LabradorNorthwest TerritoriesNova ScotiaNunavutOntarioPrince Edward IslandQuebecSaskatchewanYukon*OtherEnter your location below if outside Canada I agree to the CTDC terms & conditions provided by Destination Canada and located here.* I acknowledge Destination Canada’s Privacy Policy located here.* Yes, subscribe me to this list. I consent to receiving information from Destination Canada about the CTDC.*